

Autonomous Rover Navigation on Unknown Terrains Functions and Integration

14 years 6 months ago
Autonomous Rover Navigation on Unknown Terrains Functions and Integration
: Autonomous long range navigation in partially known planetary-like terrain is an open challenge for robotics. Navigating several hundreds of meters without any human intervention requires the robot to be able to build various representations of its environment, to plan and execute trajectories according to the kind of terrain traversed, to localize itself as it moves, and to schedule, start, control and interrupt these various activities. In this paper, we brie y describe some functionalities that are currently running on board the Marsokhod model robot Lama at LAAS/CNRS. We then focus on the necessity to integrate various instances of the perception and decision functionalities, and on the di culties raised by this integration.
Simon Lacroix, Anthony Mallet, David Bonnafous, G&
Added 25 Aug 2010
Updated 25 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where ISER
Authors Simon Lacroix, Anthony Mallet, David Bonnafous, Gérard Bauzil, Sara Fleury, Matthieu Herrb, Raja Chatila
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