

An Identification Scheme Based on Sparse Polynomials

14 years 6 months ago
An Identification Scheme Based on Sparse Polynomials
This paper gives a new example of exploiting the idea of using polynomials with restricted coefficients over finite fields and rings to construct reliable cryptosystems and identification schemes. 1 Overview The recently discovered idea of using polynomials with restricted coefficients in cryptography has already found several cryptographic applications such as the NTRU cryptosystem [7], the ENROOT cryptosystem [4] and the PASS identification scheme [6]; see also [5]. In contrast to the constructions of NTRU and PASS, which consider classes of polynomials of low degree with many "small" non-zero coefficients, ENROOT introduced a public key cryptosystem where the polynomials are of high degree, but extremely sparse. In this paper, we give a new application of this idea to the design of a fast and reliable identification scheme. Let q be a prime power and let IFq be the finite field of q elements. Given a set S IFq, we say that a polynomial G(X) IFq[X] is an Spolynomial if ev...
William D. Banks, Daniel Lieman, Igor Shparlinski
Added 25 Aug 2010
Updated 25 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where PKC
Authors William D. Banks, Daniel Lieman, Igor Shparlinski
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