

Testing a Word Analysis System for Reliable and Sense-Conveying Hyphenation and Other Applications

14 years 6 months ago
Testing a Word Analysis System for Reliable and Sense-Conveying Hyphenation and Other Applications
In this article, we present a test environment for a word analysis system that is used for reliable and sense-conveying hyphenation of German words. A crucial task is the hyphenation of compound words, a huge set of those can readily be formed from existing words. Due to this fact, testing and checking all existing words for correct hyphenation is infeasible. Therefore we have developed special test methods for large text files which filter the few problematic cases from the complete set of analyzed words. These methods include detecting unknown or ambiguous words, comparing the output of different versions of the word analysis system, and choosing dubious words according to other special criteria. The test system is also suited for testing other applications that are based on word analysis, such as full text search.
Martin Schönhacker, Gabriele Kodydek
Added 25 Aug 2010
Updated 25 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where TSD
Authors Martin Schönhacker, Gabriele Kodydek
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