

A sequential quadratic programming approach to concurrent gate and wire sizing

14 years 4 months ago
A sequential quadratic programming approach to concurrent gate and wire sizing
With an ever-increasing portion of the delay in highspeed CMOS chips attributable to the interconnect, interconnect-circuit design automation continues to grow in importance. By transforming the gate and multilayer wire sizing problem into a convex programming problem for the Elmore delay approximation, we demonstrate the efficacy of a sequential quadratic programming (SQP) solution method. For cases where accuracy greater than that provided by the Elmore delay approximation is required, we apply SQP to the gate and wire sizing problem with more accurate delay models. Since efficient calculation of sensitivities is of paramount importance during SQP, we describe an approach for efficient computation of the accurate delay sensitivities.
Noel Menezes, Ross Baldick, Lawrence T. Pileggi
Added 26 Aug 2010
Updated 26 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1995
Authors Noel Menezes, Ross Baldick, Lawrence T. Pileggi
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