

FORMS: A Flexible Object Recognition and Modelling System

14 years 4 months ago
FORMS: A Flexible Object Recognition and Modelling System
Abstract. We describe a flexible object recognition and modelling system (FORMS) which represents and recognizes animate objects from their silhouettes. This consists of a model for generating the shapes of animate objects which gives a formalism for solving the inverse problem of object recognition. We model all objects at three levels of complexity: (i) the primitives, (ii) the mid-grained shapes, which are deformations of the primitives, and (iii) objects constructed by using a grammar to join mid-grained shapes together. The deformations of the primitives can be characterized by principal component analysis or modal analysis. When doing recognition the representations of these objects are obtained in a bottom-up manner from their silhouettes by a novel method for skeleton extraction and part segmentation based on deformable circles. These representations are then matched to a database of prototypical objects to obtain a set of candidate interpretations. These interpretations are ve...
Song Chun Zhu, Alan L. Yuille
Added 26 Aug 2010
Updated 26 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1995
Where ICCV
Authors Song Chun Zhu, Alan L. Yuille
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