

Data Mining for Loan Evaluation at ABN AMRO: A Case Study

14 years 6 months ago
Data Mining for Loan Evaluation at ABN AMRO: A Case Study
Wedescribe a case study in data miningfor personal loan evaluation, performed at the ABNAMRObank in the Netherlands. Historical data of clients and their pay-backbehaviourare used to learn to predict whethera client will default or not. It is shownthat, due to the pre-selection by a credit scoring system, the data base is a samplefroma different population than the bankis actuallyinterested in; this necessarily restricts inference as well. Furthermorewepoint out the importanceof integrity and consistency checking whenthe data are entered into the system:noise is a serious problem. Theactual experimentalcomparisoninvolves a "classical" statistical method,linear discriminant analysis, and the classification tree algorithmC4.5. Both methodsuse one and the sametraining set, drawn fromthe historical database, to learn a classification function. Thepercentagesof correct classifications on
A. J. Feelders, A. J. F. le Loux, J. W. van't Zand
Added 26 Aug 2010
Updated 26 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1995
Where KDD
Authors A. J. Feelders, A. J. F. le Loux, J. W. van't Zand
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