

Applying Heuristic Evaluation to Human-Robot Interaction Systems

14 years 5 months ago
Applying Heuristic Evaluation to Human-Robot Interaction Systems
Though attention to evaluating human-robot interfaces has increased in recent years, there are relatively few reports of using evaluation tools during the development of humanrobot interaction (HRI) systems to improve their designs. Heuristic evaluation is a technique suitable for such applications that has become popular in the humancomputer interaction (HCI) community. However, it requires usability heuristics applicable to the system environment. This work contributes a set of heuristics appropriate for use with HRI systems, derived from a variety of sources both in and out of the HRI field. Evaluators have successfully used the heuristics on an HRI system, demonstrating their utility against standard measures of heuristic effectiveness.
Edward Clarkson, Ronald C. Arkin
Added 02 Oct 2010
Updated 02 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Edward Clarkson, Ronald C. Arkin
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