

Toward Goldilocks' pointing device: determining a "just right" gain setting for users with physical impairments

14 years 2 months ago
Toward Goldilocks' pointing device: determining a "just right" gain setting for users with physical impairments
We designed and evaluated an agent that recommends a pointing device gain for a given user, with mixed success. 12 participants with physical impairments used the Input Device Agent (IDA), to determine a recommended gain based on their performance over a series of target acquisition trials. IDA recommended a gain other than the Windows default for 9 of 12 subjects. Subsequent performance using the IDA gain showed no meaningful differences as compared to the default setting or users’ pre-study settings. Across all gains used by these subjects, however, gain did have a significant effect on throughput, percent of error-free trials, cursor entries, and overshoot. Linear models of gain’s effect on performance showed that its effect on throughput is relatively small, with only a 13% difference from highest throughput (at gain = 10) to lowest throughput (at gain = 6). Cursor entries were more strongly affected, showing a steady increase with increasing gain. Categories and Subject Descr...
Heidi Horstmann Koester, Edmund F. LoPresti, Richa
Added 13 Oct 2010
Updated 13 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Heidi Horstmann Koester, Edmund F. LoPresti, Richard C. Simpson
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