

Shrad: A Language for Sequential Real Number Computation

14 years 5 months ago
Shrad: A Language for Sequential Real Number Computation
Since Di Gianantonio [1993] introduced his semantics for exact real omputation, there has always been a struggle to maintain data abstraction and efficiency as much as possible. The interval domain model—or its variations— egarded as the standard setting to obtain maximum data abstraction. As for efficiency there has been much focus on sequentiality to the extent that these two terms have become almost synonymous. Escard´o et al. [1998, 2004] demonstrated that there is not much one can get by sequential computation in the interval domain model. In Farjudian [2004a, 2003] we reinforced this result by exposing the limited power of (some extensions of) the sequential fragment of Real-PCF. The previous argument suggests some sort of compromise in the beauty of the model in order to keep efficiency. One way forward is to try to sacrifice singlevaluedness over partial real numbers. This is exactly what we will see in designing SHRAD,1 where we succeed in presenting a framework for e...
Amin Farjudian
Added 13 Oct 2010
Updated 13 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where CIE
Authors Amin Farjudian
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