

Efficient Two Party and Multi Party Computation Against Covert Adversaries

14 years 4 months ago
Efficient Two Party and Multi Party Computation Against Covert Adversaries
Recently, Aumann and Lindell introduced a new realistic security model for secure computation, namely, security against covert adversaries. The main motivation was to obtain secure computation protocols which are efficient enough to be usable in practice. Aumann and Lindell presented an efficient two party computation protocol secure against covert adversaries. They were able to utilize cut and choose techniques rather than relying on expensive zero knowledge proofs. In this paper, we design an efficient multi-party computation protocol in the covert adversary model which remains secure even if a majority of the parties are dishonest. We also substantially improve the two-party protocol of Aumann and Lindell. Our protocols avoid general NP-reductions and only make a black box use of efficiently implementable cryptographic primitives. Our two-party protocol is constant-round while the multi-party one requires a logarithmic (in number of parties) number of rounds of interaction between t...
Vipul Goyal, Payman Mohassel, Adam Smith
Added 19 Oct 2010
Updated 19 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Vipul Goyal, Payman Mohassel, Adam Smith
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