

Solving Periodic Timetable Optimisation Problems by Modulo Simplex Calculations

14 years 3 months ago
Solving Periodic Timetable Optimisation Problems by Modulo Simplex Calculations
In the last 15 years periodic timetable problems have found much interest in the combinatorial optimization community. We will focus on the optimisation task to minimise a weighted sum of undesirable slack times. This problem can be formulated as a mixed integer linear problem, which for real world instances is hard to solve. This is mainly caused by the integer variables, the so-called modulo parameter. At first we will discuss some results on the polyhedral structure of the periodic timetable problem. These ideas allow to define a modulo simplex basic solution by calculating the basic variables from modulo equations. This leads to a modulo network simplex method, which iteratively improves the solution by changing the simplex basis. Key words: periodic event scheduling problem, integer programming, modulo network simplex
Karl Nachtigall, Jens Opitz
Added 26 Oct 2010
Updated 26 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Karl Nachtigall, Jens Opitz
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