

Usability Evaluation Of The Moodle System From The Teachers' Perspective

14 years 4 months ago
Usability Evaluation Of The Moodle System From The Teachers' Perspective
This article presents an empirical study performed to evaluate the Moodle usability, from the point of view of teachers who are using this system to support their classes. The usability evaluation followed a model, proposed by the authors, which includes a set of usability attributes, a list of questions defined to get the data for evaluating the attributes, and a scale of qualitative metrics used to measure the considered attributes. Usability is concerned with the suitability of the software for its users, defined in this work through the following attributes: intuitiveness, operationability, efficiency of use, learnability, attractiveness, and user satisfaction. The proposed usability model is presented and the execution of the empirical study is detailed. The results obtained through the empirical study suggested that, in general, the Moodle has a satisfactory usability level. Besides proposing the usability model and evaluating the software, the study aims at contributing to the ...
Tereza G. Kirner, Carlos de A. Custódio, Cl
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Tereza G. Kirner, Carlos de A. Custódio, Claudio Kirner
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