

Is Mobile Learning A Substitute For Electronic Learning?

14 years 4 months ago
Is Mobile Learning A Substitute For Electronic Learning?
Mobile learning is widely regarded as the next generation of learning technologies, and refers to the use of mobile devices in education to enhance learning activities. The increasing use of mobile devices has encouraged research into the capabilities of mobile learning systems. Many questions arise about mobile learning, such as whether mobile learning can be a substitute for electronic learning, what the potential benefits and problems of utilizing mobile devices in education are, and what the student perspective on mobile learning is. Mobile learning in the near future is unavoidable, and we need a better understanding of the role of mobile technology in higher education. This paper compares mobile learning with more general electronic learning technologies and pedagogies, and reports the results of a student survey into the potential benefits of and the current problems with the mobile learning approach. KEYWORDS Mobile learning, e-Learning, Educational technology.
Jirarat Sitthiworachart, Mike Joy
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Jirarat Sitthiworachart, Mike Joy
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