

Subspace Orthogonal Projection for Texture Segmentation with Wavelet Frames

14 years 4 months ago
Subspace Orthogonal Projection for Texture Segmentation with Wavelet Frames
We propose a new supervised texture segmentation and classification technique based on combining features extracted from the discrete wavelet frames of an image (specifically, the detail images at multiple resolutions) with a nonlinear band generation algorithm and an orthogonal subspace projection operator (OSP). As a supervised technique, the algorithm needs apriori information about the number and location of textures present in the composite texture training images. The OSP operator role is twofold: to extract a set of texture signature vectors each uniquely characterizing only one texture; after that, the texture segmentation process commences and the signature vectors are used to identify/mark textures in new images, essentially a pixel labeling process with all pixels of one texture having the same label. The simulation results show satisfactory classification and segmentation on a set of composite texture images while having good real time performance and moderate storage and ...
Mahmoud K. Quweider
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Mahmoud K. Quweider
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