

Contextualized Videos: Combining Videos with Environment Models to Support Situational Understanding

15 years 4 months ago
Contextualized Videos: Combining Videos with Environment Models to Support Situational Understanding
Multiple spatially-related videos are increasingly used in security, communication, and other applications. Since it can be difficult to understand the spatial relationships between multiple videos in complex environments (e.g. to predict a person s path through a building), some visualization techniques, such as video texture projection, have been used to aid spatial understanding. In this paper, we identify and begin to characterize an overall class of visualization techniques that combine video with 3D spatial context. This set of techniques, which we call contextualized videos, forms a design palette which must be well understood so that designers can select and use appropriate techniques that address the requirements of particular spatial video tasks. In this paper, we first identify user tasks in video surveillance that are likely to benefit from contextualized videos and discuss the video, model, and navigation related dimensions of the contextualized video design space. We then...
Yi Wang, David A. Krum, Enylton M. Coelho, Doug
Added 03 Nov 2009
Updated 03 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where VIS
Authors Yi Wang, David A. Krum, Enylton M. Coelho, Doug A. Bowman
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