

An unbiased pointing operator for unlabeled structures, with applications to counting and sampling

14 years 2 months ago
An unbiased pointing operator for unlabeled structures, with applications to counting and sampling
We introduce a general method to count and randomly sample unlabeled combinatorial structures. The approach is based on pointing unlabeled structures in an “unbiased” way, i.e., in such a way that a structure of size n gives rise to n pointed structures. We develop a specific P´olya theory for the corresponding pointing operator, and present a sampling framework relying both on the principles of Boltzmann sampling and on P´olya operators. Our method is illustrated on several examples: in each case, we provide enumerative results and efficient random samplers. The approach applies to unlabeled families of plane and nonplane unrooted trees, and tree-like structures in general, but also to cactus graphs, outerplanar graphs, RNA secondary structures, and classes of planar maps.
Manuel Bodirsky, Éric Fusy, Mihyun Kang, St
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where SODA
Authors Manuel Bodirsky, Éric Fusy, Mihyun Kang, Stefan Vigerske
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