

New tricks from an old dog: An overview of TEI P5

14 years 4 months ago
New tricks from an old dog: An overview of TEI P5
This paper presents an update on the current state of development of the Text Encoding Initiative's Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange. Since the last major edition in 2002, which saw the conversion of the Guidelines into XML, there has been substantial activity on adding new content in areas of particular interest to historical corpus builders. The TEI has also reinvented itself as a membership initiative and set up mechanisms for the continued development and maintenance of the Guidelines. We contrast "old" and "new" TEI, and give a brief overview of some recent technical enhancements to the system intended to facilitate expansion and customization of the scheme. 1 What did the TEI ever do for us? Monty Python fans will recall the scene in which a spokesperson for People's Front of Judea (or was it the Judean Peoples' Front?) asks rhetorically `But what did the Romans ever do for us?', only to be overwhelmed with responses...
Lou Burnard
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Lou Burnard
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