

Community-based solutions in E-learning development - the way to go?

14 years 4 months ago
Community-based solutions in E-learning development - the way to go?
Traditional proprietary methods of software development are nowadays facing increasing competition by open-source models. Community of users and developers has become a valuable resource which is more and more extensively used also at commercial products, especially in E-learning. Noting that free and open-source systems have reached at least equal status with the traditional proprietary developments, the author also suggests that existence of a strong community becomes more and more a crucial success factor for E-learning management systems (LMS) regardless of the development model. IVA, a LMS developed at Tallinn Pedagogical University, is used as an example. KEYWORDS Community-based development, E-learning, learning management systems
Kaido Kikkas
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Kaido Kikkas
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