

Referring-Expression Generation Using a Transformation-Based Learning Approach

14 years 1 months ago
Referring-Expression Generation Using a Transformation-Based Learning Approach
A natural language generation system must generate expressions that allow a reader to identify the entities to which they refer. This paper describes the creation of referring-expression (RE) generation models developed using a transformation-based learning approach. We present an evaluation of the learned models and compare their performance to the performance of a baseline system, which always generates full noun phrase REs. When compared to the baseline system, the learned models produce REs that lead to more coherent natural language documents and are more accurate and closer in length to those that people use.
Jill Nickerson, Stuart M. Shieber, Barbara J. Gros
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Jill Nickerson, Stuart M. Shieber, Barbara J. Grosz
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