

A Speech Interface for Open-Domain Question-Answering

14 years 4 months ago
A Speech Interface for Open-Domain Question-Answering
Speech interfaces to question-answering systems offer significant potential for finding information with phones and mobile networked devices. We describe a demonstration of spoken question answering using a commercial dictation engine whose language models we have customized to questions, a Web-based textprediction interface allowing quick correction of errors, and an open-domain question-answering system, AnswerBus, which is freely available on the Web. We describe a small evaluation of the effect of recognition errors on the precision of the answers returned and make some concrete recommendations for modifying a question-answering system for improving robustness to spoken input.
Edward Schofield, Zhiping Zheng
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where ACL
Authors Edward Schofield, Zhiping Zheng
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