

Using Relevant Domains Resource for Word Sense Disambiguation

14 years 4 months ago
Using Relevant Domains Resource for Word Sense Disambiguation
This paper presents a new method for Word Sense Disambiguation based on the WordNet Domains lexical resource [4]. The underlaying working hypothesis is that domain labels, such as ARCHITECTURE, SPORT and MEDICINE provide a natural way to establish semantic relations between word senses, that can be used during the disambiguation process. This resource has already been used on Word Sense Disambiguation [5], but it has not made use of glosses information. Thus, we present in first place, a new lexical resource based on WordNet Domains glosses information, named "Relevant Domains". In second place, we describe a new method for WSD based on this new lexical resource ("Relevant Domains"). And finally, we evaluate the new method with English allwords task of SENSEVAL2, obtaining promising results.
Sonia Vázquez, Andrés Montoyo, Germa
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where ICAI
Authors Sonia Vázquez, Andrés Montoyo, German Rigau
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