

The FrameNet Data and Software

14 years 2 months ago
The FrameNet Data and Software
The FrameNet project has developed a lexical knowledge base providing a unique level of detail as to the the possible syntactic realizations of the specific semantic roles evoked by each predicator, for roughly 7,000 lexical units, on the basis of annotating more than 100,000 example sentences extracted from corpora. An interim version of the FrameNet data was released in October, 2002 and is being widely used. A new, more portable version of the FrameNet software is also being made available to researchers elsewhere, including the Spanish FrameNet project. This demo and poster will briefly explain the principles of Frame Semantics and demonstrate the new unified tools for lexicon building and annotation and also FrameSQL, a search tool for finding patterns in annotated sentences. We will discuss the content and format of the data releases and how the software and data can be used by other NLP researchers.
Collin F. Baker, Hiroaki Sato
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where ACL
Authors Collin F. Baker, Hiroaki Sato
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