

Fast Display of Articulated Characters using Impostors

14 years 4 months ago
Fast Display of Articulated Characters using Impostors
: Rendering and animating numerous articulated characters interactively is challenging in computer graphics. Specific hardware systems may be needed. However, by using the temporal coherence characteristics of the articulated characters in an animation, changes from frame to frame remain small, and display rate can be improved using a software approach using impostors. The use of impostors to replace the actual geometry had been shown in many computer graphics system in the form of billboards but most likely for static objects. However, impostors can also be applied to the dynamic objects such as animated articulated characters to improve the display rate.
S. K. Chow, K. L. Chan
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where CGIM
Authors S. K. Chow, K. L. Chan
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