ABSTRACT. The computationally challenging problem of reconstructing the phylogeny of a set of contemporary data, such as DNA sequences or morphological attributes, was treated by an extended version of the neighbor-joining (NJ) algorithm. The original NJ algorithm provides a single-tree topology, after a cascade of greedy pairing decisions that tries to simultaneously optimize the minimum evolution and the least squares criteria. Given that some sub-trees are more stable than others, and that the minimum evolution tree may not be achieved by the original NJ algorithm, we propose a multi-neighbor-joining (MNJ) algorithm capable of performing multiple pairing decisions at each level of the tree reconstruction, keeping various partial solutions along the recursive execution of the NJ algorithm. The main advantages of the new reconGenetics and Molecular Research 4 (3): 525-534 (2005) FUNPEC-RP www.funpecrp.com.br
Ana Estela Antunes da Silva, Wilfredo J. Puma-Vill