

Exploring an Unknown Cellular Environment

14 years 4 months ago
Exploring an Unknown Cellular Environment
We investigate the exploration problem of a short-sighted mobile robot moving about in an unknown cellular room. In order to explore a cell, the robot must enter it. Once inside, the robot knows which of the 4 adjacent cells exist and which are boundary edges. The robot starts from a specified cell adjacent to the room's outer wall; it visits each cell, and returns to the start. Our interest is in a short exploration tour, that is, in keeping the number of multiple cell visits small. For abitrary environments containing obstacles we provide a strategy producing tours of length S C + 1 2 E +H -3, where C denotes the number of cells--the area--, E denotes the number of boundary edges--the perimeter--, and H is the number of obstacles. Key words: Online algorithms, competitive analysis, unknown environment, obstacles.
Christian Icking, Thomas Kamphans, Rolf Klein, Elm
Added 01 Nov 2010
Updated 01 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where EWCG
Authors Christian Icking, Thomas Kamphans, Rolf Klein, Elmar Langetepe
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