

Stochastic Motif Extraction Using Hidden Markov Model

14 years 4 months ago
Stochastic Motif Extraction Using Hidden Markov Model
In this paper, westudy the application of an ttMM(hidden Markov model) to the problem of representing protein sequencesby a stochastic motif. Astochastic protein motif represents the small segmentsof protein sequencesthat have a certain function or structure. Thestochastic motif, represented by an HMM,has conditional probabilities to deal withthe stochastic nature of the motif. This HMMdirectly reflects the characteristics of the motif, suchas a protein periodical structure or grouping.In order to obtain the optimal HMM,wedeveloped, the "iterative duplication method' for HMMtopology learning. It starts from a small fully-connected networkand iterates the network generation and parameter optimizationuntil it achievessufficient discrimination accuracy. Usingthis method, weobtained an ttMMfor a leucine zipper motif. Compared to the accuracyof a symbolicpattern representation with accuracy of 14.8 percent, an tIMM achieved 79.3 percent in prediction. Additionally, the methodcan ...
Yukiko Fujiwara, Minoru Asogawa, Akihiko Konagaya
Added 02 Nov 2010
Updated 02 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1994
Where ISMB
Authors Yukiko Fujiwara, Minoru Asogawa, Akihiko Konagaya
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