This systcm is based on slit-ray projcction mcthod. The remarkable featurcs of this systcm -- high speed and continuous rneasuremcnt -- mainly comes from its image plane constructed by PSD array which is horizontally non-divided and linear, whereas vertically dividcd in numbers. Each row PSD element is attached to respective analog signal proccssor, A/D converter and mcmory clcmcnt. By the virtue of this configuration of imagc planc, we can have positional information of slit-like image on imagc plane storcd in rcspcctive mcmory clemcnt in rcal time and continuously. As the rcsult, wc can scan the slit-ray at a constant high angular velocity and calculate thc dcflcction anglc of it from scanning timc of slit-ray, which, in turn, is set on address bus of memory clcmcnt in our mcthod. Thus, basic datum for 3-D mcasurcment arc acquircd during only one scanning of the slit-ray at high spccd and continuously in the form of addrcsscs of mcmory clcments and datum storcd in thcm. Trial system...