

An Intelligent Conversational Agent Approach to Extracting Queries from Natural Language

14 years 4 months ago
An Intelligent Conversational Agent Approach to Extracting Queries from Natural Language
—This paper is concerned with the application of a conversational agent and expert system to provide a natural language interface to a database. Typically, natural language database interfaces (NLDI's) use grammatical and/or statistical parsing. Conversational agents take a different approach, capturing key elements of user input which then trigger pre-determined output templates. It is assumed that the type of natural language questions which could be asked of a specific relational database will contain a limited number of key words (attributes), which could be captured by a conversational agent. In the proposed system, once a conversational agent has identified all relevant attributes and their values, an expert system would then apply rule based reasoning on these attributes to construct an SQL query. The knowledge base of the expert system would contain information on the database structure (metadata) and on the different possible structures of SQL queries. This would result...
Karen Pudner, Keeley A. Crockett, Zuhair Bandar
Added 07 Nov 2010
Updated 07 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where WCE
Authors Karen Pudner, Keeley A. Crockett, Zuhair Bandar
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