

Information-Theoretic Approach to Efficient Adaptive Path Planning for Mobile Robotic Environmental Sensing

14 years 3 months ago
Information-Theoretic Approach to Efficient Adaptive Path Planning for Mobile Robotic Environmental Sensing
Recent research in robot exploration and mapping has focused on sampling environmental hotspot fields. This exploration task is formalized by Low, Dolan, and Khosla (2008) in a sequential decision-theoretic planning under uncertainty framework called MASP. The time complexity of solving MASP approximately depends on the map resolution, which limits its use in large-scale, high-resolution exploration and mapping. To alleviate this computational difficulty, this paper presents an information-theoretic approach to MASP (iMASP) for efficient adaptive path planning; by reformulating the cost-minimizing iMASP as a rewardmaximizing problem, its time complexity becomes independent of map resolution and is less sensitive to increasing robot team size as demonstrated both theoretically and empirically. Using the reward-maximizing dual, we derive a novel adaptive variant of maximum entropy sampling, thus improving the induced exploration policy performance. It also allows us to establish theoret...
Kian Hsiang Low, John M. Dolan, Pradeep K. Khosla
Added 08 Nov 2010
Updated 08 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where AIPS
Authors Kian Hsiang Low, John M. Dolan, Pradeep K. Khosla
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