

Visibility-driven transfer functions

14 years 1 months ago
Visibility-driven transfer functions
Direct volume rendering is an important tool for visualizing complex data sets. However, in the process of generating 2D images from 3D data, information is lost in the form of attenuation and occlusion. The lack of a feedback mechanism to quantify the loss of information in the rendering process makes the design of good transfer functions a difficult and time consuming task. In this paper, we present the notion of visibility-driven transfer functions, which are transfer functions that provide a good visibility of features of interest from a given viewpoint. To achieve this, we introduce visibility histograms. These histograms provide graphical cues that intuitively inform the user about the contribution of particular scalar values to the final image. By carefully manipulating the parameters of the opacity transfer function, users can now maximize the visibility of the intervals of interest in a volume data set. Based on this observation, we also propose a semi-automated method for ge...
Carlos D. Correa, Kwan-Liu Ma
Added 08 Nov 2010
Updated 08 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Carlos D. Correa, Kwan-Liu Ma
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