We present an initial exploration into the usability of 3D file browsing. To explore the 3D file browsing technique design space, we analyzed the existing literature and developed three representative 3D file browsing techniques that cover many of their characteristics. Block3D uses a priority weighting scheme to elevate and display files in a grid-based structure. Cluster3D uses sets of animated racks to display files. LTreeCube3D visualizes files and directories using groups of semi-transparent cubes within a larger cube-like structure. We conducted an experiment exploring the affect these 3D file browsing technique have on users in a manual file searching task. Our evaluation is based on task completion time and a postquestionnaire used to gather subjective feedback on each technique in terms of user preference. The results indicate that users completed the manual file search task significantly faster using Block3D than both LTreeCube3D and Cluster3D. Although subjective ranking sh...
Anamary Leal, Chadwick A. Wingrave, Joseph J. LaVi