

Towards better entity resolution techniques for Web document collections

14 years 2 months ago
Towards better entity resolution techniques for Web document collections
— As person names are non-unique, the same name on different Web pages might or might not refer to the same real-world person. This entity identification problem is one of the most challenging issues in realizing the Semantic Web or entity-oriented search. We address this disambiguation problem, which is very similar to the entity resolution problem studied in relational databases, however there are also several differences. Most importantly Web pages often only contain partial or incomplete information about the persons, moreover the available information is very heterogeneous, thus we are only able to obtain some uncertain evidence about whether two names refer to the same person using similarity functions. These similarity functions capture some aspects of the similarities between Web-pages, where the names occur, thus they perform very differently for the different names. We analyze some data engineering techniques to cope with the limited accuracy of the similarity functions an...
Surender Reddy Yerva, Zoltán Miklós,
Added 06 Dec 2010
Updated 06 Dec 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where ICDE
Authors Surender Reddy Yerva, Zoltán Miklós, Karl Aberer
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