

Physical and Digital Artifact-Mediated Coordination in Building Design

14 years 2 months ago
Physical and Digital Artifact-Mediated Coordination in Building Design
We conducted an ethnographic field study examining how a building design team used representational artifacts to coordinate the design of building systems, structure, and architecture. The goals of this study were to characterize the different interactions meeting participants had with design artifacts, to identify bottlenecks in the design coordination process, and to develop design considerations for CSCW technology that will support in-person design coordination meetings of building design teams. We found that gesturing, navigation, annotation, and viewing were the four primary interactions meeting participants had with design artifacts. The form of the design information (2D vs. 3D, digital vs. physical) had minimal impact on gesture interactions, although navigation varied significantly with different representations of design information. Bottlenecks in the design process were observed when meeting participants attempted to navigate digital information, interact with wall display...
Melanie Tory, Sheryl Staub-French, Barry A. Po, Fu
Added 10 Dec 2010
Updated 10 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where CSCW
Authors Melanie Tory, Sheryl Staub-French, Barry A. Po, Fuqu Wu
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