

Checking sequences for distributed test architectures

14 years 2 months ago
Checking sequences for distributed test architectures
This study addresses the construction of a preset checking sequence that will not pose controllability (synchronization) and observability (undetectable output shift) problems when applied in a distributed test architectures that utilize remote testers. The controllability problem manifests itself when a tester is required to send the current input and because it did not send the previous input nor did it receive the previous output it cannot determine when to send the input. The observability problem manifests itself when a tester is expecting an output in response to either the previous input or the current input and because it is not the one to send the current input, it cannot determine when to start and stop waiting for the output. Based on UIO sequences, a checking sequence construction method is proposed to yield a sequence that is free from controllability and observability problems. Keywords Distributed testing, Controllability, Observability, Test coordination, UIO sequences...
Robert M. Hierons, Hasan Ural
Added 10 Dec 2010
Updated 10 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where DC
Authors Robert M. Hierons, Hasan Ural
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