

Selecting normalization genes for small diagnostic microarrays

14 years 27 days ago
Selecting normalization genes for small diagnostic microarrays
Background: Normalization of gene expression microarrays carrying thousands of genes is based on assumptions that do not hold for diagnostic microarrays carrying only few genes. Thus, applying standard microarray normalization strategies to diagnostic microarrays causes new normalization problems. Results: In this paper we point out the differences of normalizing large microarrays and small diagnostic microarrays. We suggest to include additional normalization genes on the small diagnostic microarrays and propose two strategies for selecting them from genomewide microarray studies. The first is a data driven univariate selection of normalization genes. The second is multivariate and based on finding a balanced diagnostic signature. Finally, we compare both methods to standard normalization protocols known from large microarrays. Conclusion: Not including additional genes for normalization on small microarrays leads to a loss of diagnostic information. Using house keeping genes from th...
Jochen Jaeger, Rainer Spang
Added 10 Dec 2010
Updated 10 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Authors Jochen Jaeger, Rainer Spang
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