

Improve a Game Board based on Cultural Algorithms

14 years 2 months ago
Improve a Game Board based on Cultural Algorithms
Evolutionary computation is a generic term used to make reference to the solution of computational problems planned and implemented based on models of an evolutionary process. Most of the evolutionary algorithms propose biological paradigms, and the concepts of natural selection, mutation and reproduction. However, other paradigms that can be adopted in the creation of evolutionary algorithms exist. Many problems involve not structured environments that can be considered from the perspective of cultural paradigms; the cultural paradigms offer a wide range of categorized models that ignore the possible solutions to the problem, -a common situation in the real life-. The purpose of the present work is to apply the computational properties of the cultural technology; on this case, to corroborate them by means of data mining to propose the solution to a specific problem. The above mentioned, carrying out an adaptation from the perspective of the societies modeling. An environment to carry ...
Alberto Ochoa, Alejandro Padilla, Saúl Gonz
Added 12 Dec 2010
Updated 12 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where IJVR
Authors Alberto Ochoa, Alejandro Padilla, Saúl González, Arnulfo Castro, Shikari Hal
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