

Research Directions in Handheld AR

14 years 3 months ago
Research Directions in Handheld AR
Handheld mobile devices are an exciting new platform for Augmented Reality (AR). Mobile phones and PDAs have the potential to provide AR experiences to hundreds of millions of consumers. However, before widespread use can occur there are some obstacles that must be overcome. In particular, developers must consider the hardware and software capabilities of mobile devices and how these can be used to provide an effective AR experience. They must also develop AR interaction metaphors suitable for handheld AR. In this paper we review current and previous research in the field, provide design guidelines and outline future research directions.
Mark Billinghurst, Anders Henrysson
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Where IJVR
Authors Mark Billinghurst, Anders Henrysson
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