

The role of synaptic facilitation in spike coincidence detection

14 years 13 days ago
The role of synaptic facilitation in spike coincidence detection
Using a realistic model of activity dependent dynamical synapse, which includes both depressing and facilitating mechanisms, we study the conditions in which a postsynaptic neuron efficiently detects temporal coincidences of spikes which arrive from N different presynaptic neurons at certain frequency f. A numerical and analytical treatment of that system show that: i) facilitation enhances the detection of correlated signals arriving from a subset of presynaptic excitatory neurons, and ii) the presence of facilitation yields to a better detection of firing rate changes in the presynaptic activity. We also observed that facilitation determines the existence of an optimal input frequency which allows the best performance for a wide (maximum) range of the neuron firing threshold. This optimal frequency can be controlled by means of facilitation parameters. Finally, we show that these results are robust even for very noisy signals and in the presence of synaptic fluctuations produced by ...
Jorge F. Mejías, Joaquín J. Torres
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where JCNS
Authors Jorge F. Mejías, Joaquín J. Torres
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