

Novel Fuzzy Logic Controllers with Self-Tuning Capability

14 years 3 months ago
Novel Fuzzy Logic Controllers with Self-Tuning Capability
Two controllers which extend the PD+I fuzzy logic controller to deal with the plant having time varying nonlinear dynamics are proposed. The adaptation ability of the first self tuning PD+I fuzzy logic controller (STPD+I_31) is achieved by adjusting the output scaling factor automatically thereby contributing to significant improvement in performance. Second controller (STPD+I_9) is the simplified version of STPD+I_31 which is designed under the imposed constraint that allows only minimum number of rules in the rule bases. The proposed controllers are compared with two classical nonlinear controllers: the pole placement self tuning PID controller and sliding mode controller. All the controllers are applied to the two-links revolute robot for the tracking control. The tracking performance of STPD+I_31 and STPD+I_9 are much better than the pole placement self tuning PID controller during high speed motions while the performance are comparable at low and medium speed. In addition, STPD+I_...
Fong Chwee Teng, Ahmad Lotfi, Ah Chung Tsoi
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where JCP
Authors Fong Chwee Teng, Ahmad Lotfi, Ah Chung Tsoi
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