

Packaging of RF Mems Switching Functions on Alumina Substrate

14 years 3 months ago
Packaging of RF Mems Switching Functions on Alumina Substrate
The expending development of wireless communication requires strong demands for components with improved capabilities. RF MEMS devices offer a variable alternative to conventional communication components because they consume less DC power, have lower losses, higher linearity and higher Q factor. However, the commercialization of RF MEMS devices is hindered by technological issues such as their packaging , which is the most critical problem to be solved. Compared with conventional IC packaging technologies, packaging of RF MEMS is for more challenging, because it implies both electrical and mechanical aspects. The mechanical nature of RF MEMS requires low temperature, hermetic wafer level packaging [1,2]. An interesting approach consist in encapsulating the component or a group of components on ceramic alumina substrate using simple techniques with limited technological stages. Our approach for the packaging of MEMS based switching networks consist in the encapsulation of the whole sw...
M.-K. El Khatib, Arnaud Pothier, Pierre Blondy
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where CORR
Authors M.-K. El Khatib, Arnaud Pothier, Pierre Blondy
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