

Verification of chip multiprocessor memory systems using a relaxed scoreboard

14 years 3 months ago
Verification of chip multiprocessor memory systems using a relaxed scoreboard
Verification of chip multiprocessor memory systems remains challenging. While formal methods have been used to validate protocols, simulation is still the dominant method used to validate memory system implementation. Having a memory scoreboard, a high-level model of the memory, greatly aids simulation based validation, but accurate scoreboards are complex to create since often they depend not only on the memory and consistency model but also on its specific implementation. This paper describes a methodology of using a relaxed scoreboard, which greatly reduces the complexity of creating these memory models. The relaxed scoreboard tracks the operations of the system to maintain a set of values that could possibly be valid for each memory location. By allowing multiple possible values, the model used in the scoreboard is only loosely coupled with the specific design, which decouples the construction of the checker from the implementation, allowing the checker to be used early in the des...
Ofer Shacham, Megan Wachs, Alex Solomatnikov, Amin
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Authors Ofer Shacham, Megan Wachs, Alex Solomatnikov, Amin Firoozshahian, Stephen Richardson, Mark Horowitz
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