

Wish Branches: Enabling Adaptive and Aggressive Predicated Execution

14 years 12 days ago
Wish Branches: Enabling Adaptive and Aggressive Predicated Execution
Wish branches, a new class of control-flow instructions, allow the hardware to dynamically decide whether or not to use predicated execution for a dynamic branch instruction. The goal of wish branches is to use predicated execution for hard-to-predict dynamic branches and branch prediction for easy-to-predict dynamic branches, thereby obtaining the best of both worlds. Wish loops, one class of wish branches, utilize predication to reduce the misprediction penalty for hard-to-predict backward (loop) branches.
Hyesoon Kim, Onur Mutlu, Yale N. Patt, Jared Stark
Added 14 Dec 2010
Updated 14 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Authors Hyesoon Kim, Onur Mutlu, Yale N. Patt, Jared Stark
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