

Reading the footprints of strained islands

14 years 12 days ago
Reading the footprints of strained islands
We report on recent advances in the understanding of surface processes occurring during growth and post-growth annealing of strained islands which may find application as self-assembled quantum dots. We investigate the model system SiGe/Si(0 0 1) by a new approach based on ``reading the footprints'' which islands leave on the substrate during their growth and evolution. Such footprints consist of trenches carved in the Si substrate. We distinguish between surface footprints and footprints buried below the islands. The former allow us to discriminate islands which are in the process of growing from those which are shrinking. Islands with steep morphologies grow at the expense of smaller and shallower islands, consistent with the kinetics of anomalous coarsening. While shrinking, islands change their shape according to thermodynamic predictions. Buried footprints are investigated by removing the SiGe epilayer by means of selective wet chemical etching. Their reading shows that...
A. Rastelli, Mathieu Stoffel, G. Katsaros, J. Ters
Added 14 Dec 2010
Updated 14 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Where MJ
Authors A. Rastelli, Mathieu Stoffel, G. Katsaros, J. Tersoff, U. Denker, T. Merdzhanova, G. S. Kar, G. Costantini, K. Kern, H. von Känel
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