

Lean Buffering in Serial Production Lines With Nonidentical Exponential Machines

14 years 3 months ago
Lean Buffering in Serial Production Lines With Nonidentical Exponential Machines
Lean buffering is the smallest buffer capacity, which is necessary and sufficient to ensure the desired production rate of a manufacturing system. Literature offers methods for designing lean buffering in production systems with identical machines. The current paper extends these methods to serial production lines with nonidentical machines, assuming that they obey the exponential reliability model. For two-machine lines, exact formulas for lean buffering are derived, while for longer lines estimates are obtained. These results can be useful for production line designers and production managers to maintain the required production rate with the smallest possible inventories. Note to Practitioners--In production systems with unreliable machines, operation with no-buffers (i.e., JIT) leads to low throughput. Very large buffers lead to high throughput but undesirable quality and economics properties. So, which level of buffering is good? This is the question addressed in this paper. The go...
Shu-Yin Chiang, Alexander Hu, Semyon M. Meerkov
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where TASE
Authors Shu-Yin Chiang, Alexander Hu, Semyon M. Meerkov
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