

Statistical Thermal Profile Considering Process Variations: Analysis and Applications

14 years 3 months ago
Statistical Thermal Profile Considering Process Variations: Analysis and Applications
The nonuniform substrate thermal profile and process variations are two major concerns in the present-day ultradeep submicrometer designs. To correctly predict performance/ leakage/reliability measures and address any yield losses during the early stages of design phases, it is desirable to have a reliable thermal estimation of the chip. However, the leakage power sources vary greatly due to process variations and temperature, which result in significant variations in the hotspot and thermal profile formation in very large scale integration chips. Traditionally, no leakage variations have been considered during full-chip thermal analysis. In this paper, the dependence behavior among the process variability, leakage power consumption, and thermal profile construction are established to effectively extract a reliable statistical thermal profile over a die at the microarchitectural level. Knowledge of this is the key to the design and analysis of circuits. The probability density function...
Javid Jaffari, Mohab Anis
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where TCAD
Authors Javid Jaffari, Mohab Anis
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