In recent years, quantum computing (QC) research has moved from the realm of theoretical physics and mathematics into real implementations [9]. With many different potential hardware implementations, quantum computer architecture is a rich field with an opportunity to solve interesting new problems and to revisit old ones. This paper presents a QC architecture tailored to physical implementations with highly mobile and persistent quantum bits (qubits). Implementations with qubit coherency times that are much longer than operation times and qubit transportation times that are orders of magnitude faster than operation times lend greater flexibility to the architecture. This is particularly true in the placement and locality of individual qubits. For concreteness, we assume a physical device model based on electron-spin qubits on liquid helium (eSHe) [15]. Like many conventional computer architectures, QCs focus on the efficient exposure of parallelism. We present here a QC microarchi...
Eric Chi, Stephen A. Lyon, Margaret Martonosi