

Robust Lane Detection and Tracking in Challenging Scenarios

14 years 22 days ago
Robust Lane Detection and Tracking in Challenging Scenarios
A lane-detection system is an important component of many intelligent transportation systems. We present a robust lane-detection-and-tracking algorithm to deal with challenging scenarios such as a lane curvature, worn lane markings, lane changes, and emerging, ending, merging, and splitting lanes. We first present a comparative study to find a good real-time lanemarking classifier. Once detection is done, the lane markings are grouped into lane-boundary hypotheses. We group left and right lane boundaries separately to effectively handle merging and splitting lanes. A fast and robust algorithm, based on random-sample consensus and particle filtering, is proposed to generate a large number of hypotheses in real time. The generated hypotheses are evaluated and grouped based on a probabilistic framework. The suggested framework effectively combines a likelihood-based object-recognition algorithm with a Markov-style process (tracking) and can also be applied to general-part-based object-tra...
ZuWhan Kim
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where TITS
Authors ZuWhan Kim
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