

Integrals, partitions and MacMahon's Theorem

14 years 2 months ago
Integrals, partitions and MacMahon's Theorem
In two previous papers, the study of partitions with short sequences has been developed both for its intrinsic interest and for a variety of applications. The object of this paper is to extend that study in various ways. First, the relationship of partitions with no consecutive integers to a theorem of MacMahon and mock theta functions is explored independently. Secondly, we derive in a succinct manner a relevant definite integral related to the asymptotic enumeration of partitions with short sequences. Finally, we provide the generating function for partitions with no sequences of length K and part exceeding N.
George Andrews, Henrik Eriksson, Fedor Petrov, Dan
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where JCT
Authors George Andrews, Henrik Eriksson, Fedor Petrov, Dan Romik
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