

Auto-validation of fluorescent primer extension genotyping assay using signal clustering and neural networks

14 years 13 days ago
Auto-validation of fluorescent primer extension genotyping assay using signal clustering and neural networks
Background: SNP genotyping typically incorporates a review step to ensure that the genotype calls for a particular SNP are correct. For high-throughput genotyping, such as that provided by the GenomeLab SNPstream
Ching Yu Austin Huang, Joel F. Studebaker, Anton Y
Added 16 Dec 2010
Updated 16 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2004
Authors Ching Yu Austin Huang, Joel F. Studebaker, Anton Yuryev, Jianping Huang, Kathryn E. Scott, Jennifer Kuebler, Shobha Varde, Steven Alfisi, Craig A. Gelfand, Mark Pohl, Michael T. Boyce-Jacino
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