Background: A number of completely sequenced eukaryotic genome data are available in the public domain. Eukaryotic genes are either 'intron containing' or 'intronless'. Eukaryotic 'intronless' genes are interesting datasets for comparative genomics and evolutionary studies. The SEGE database containing a collection of eukaryotic single exon genes is available. However, SEGE is derived using GenBank. The redundant, incomplete and heterogeneous qualities of GenBank data are a bottleneck for biological investigation in comparative genomics and evolutionary studies. Such studies often require representative gene sets from each genome and this is possible only by deriving specific datasets from completely sequenced genome data. Thus Genome SEGE, a database for 'intronless' genes in completely sequenced eukaryotic genomes, has been constructed. Availability: Description: Eukaryotic 'intronless' genes ...
Meena K. Sakharkar, Pandjassarame Kangueane